Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ignorance and malice win in NJ. Jerry gets it right.

NJ: Governor Chris Christie vetoed New Jersey's Good Samaritan Law.
No one should be afraid that calling 911 to save a life will land her in jail.
No one should die simply because witnesses would not call 911.
They do.
They will.
They will continue to.
Thank you Governor Christie.

Christie's veto ensures that many more people in his state will die absolutely preventable deaths.
It also sanctions apathy as the appropriate response to life and death situations. Another point in the war against human dignity, sir.

Meanwhile, Jerry got it right again. After sitting on his desk for what felt like ages, Jerry Brown signed AB 472 on September 17, 2012.

This bill would provide that
it shall not be a crime for any person who experiences a drug-related overdose, as defined, who, in good faith, seeks medical assistance, or any other person who, in good faith, seeks medical assistance for the person experiencing a drug-related overdose, to be under the influence of, or to possess for personal use, a controlled substance, controlled substance analog, or drug paraphernalia, under certain circumstances related to a drug-related overdose that prompted seeking medical assistance if that person does not obstruct medical or law enforcement personnel.
The bill would provide that its provisions shall not affect laws prohibiting the selling, providing, giving, or exchanging of drugs, or laws prohibiting the forcible administration of drugs against a person’s will. The bill would provide that it shall not affect liability for any offense that involves activities made dangerous by the consumption of controlled substances, including, but not limited to, driving under the influence.