Saturday, March 28, 2009

mark your calendars

May 9th! - the opening celebration for the Tenderloin National Forest
RIGO 23 in collaboration with darryl smith/luggage store
funded by The Creative Work Fund
volunteers needed
contact Darryl Smith: 415. 255-5971
Opening Celebration: May 9th

100 years later, I still think this is funny.

somebody *desperately* missed daddy


everything about this article is miserable.

prepare your stomach before reading it, but do read it.
Amid Abuse of Girls in Brazil, Abortion Debate Flares

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rockefeller laws

New York eases 1970s drug laws
Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:35pm EDT
By Joan Gralla
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state officials agreed on Friday to relax harsh 1970s drug laws that required prison sentences for nonviolent drug crimes in favor of laws that will let judges send addicts to treatment programs.
The new regulations will save the state about 'a quarter of a billion dollars' a year in costs for housing prisoners, Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith said at a news conference in Albany, the state capital."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

DEA still raiding in California

DEA raids pot dispensary in SF
Rachel Gordon, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, March 26, 2009

dog marking territory, anyone?
"Federal agents raided a medical marijuana dispensary in San Francisco Wednesday, a week after U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder signaled that the Obama administration would not prosecute distributors of pot used for medicinal purposes that operate under sanction of state law. ...
"Based on our investigation, we believe there are not only violations of federal law, but state law as well," DEA Special Agent in Charge Anthony Williams said in a prepared statement. ...
In a marked shift from Bush administration policy, Holder said last month that dispensaries only would be prosecuted if both state and federal drug laws were thought to be violated."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hillary is full of surprises

U.S. Demand Feeds Mexico’s Drug Trade, Clinton Says
“Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade,” she said, using unusually blunt language. “Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians.”

drugs & guns on newshour

if you missed this segment, the transcript and video are online here

"ARTURO SARUKHAN, Ambassador, Mexico: You have to understand that drug trafficking does not operate in a vacuum. It isn't just an issue in Mexico; it's an issue in Mexico because Mexico sits next to the largest consumer market of illicit drugs in the world. And as drug-trafficking organizations have their trafficking routes through Mexico, so do they have their distribution networks in the United States."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tired cleo!

human rights watch releases report on NY prisons

"New York State's practice of sentencing inmates to months, even years, in disciplinary segregation for drug use and possession and denying them effective drug dependence treatment constitutes cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today."

"I've had 15, 16 drug tickets. No assaults or anything like that. I've never been in a treatment program. Now I'm in the box 'til 2012. I'm a drug addict. If you know I'm a drug addict, why are you putting me in a box?"
- Peter G., prisoner at Southport Correctional Facility

so maybe we could correct these abominations AND save the economy if we stopped spending all of our money on prisons that exacerbate the consequences of drug use?

read the press release here and the report here

>>oh wait, some states are starting to get it. nytimes article here.

two front page articles about minors' rights

And really, about all of our rights.
Links to these articles
here & here, respectively.

Strip-Search of Girl Tests Limit of School Policy
By Adam Liptak 
Contraception Pill Strictures Are Eased by a Judge
By Natasha Singer 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Electronic Frontier Foundation's new FOIA search tool

It does not include any DEA data but, seems pretty cool nonetheless.
Check it out here & read the press release here

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

is this real?

>>sort of. it is an ad with real sheepherders.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

more texas news - good news, this time!

Needle plan gets early approval from senators
By Terrence Stutz

"AUSTIN – Local health agencies would be able to set up needle exchange programs for drug users to combat the spread of HIV and hepatitis under a bill tentatively approved by the Senate on Wednesday.
The measure, approved on a 23-7 vote, would end Texas' status as the only state in the nation that does not allow needle exchange programs. Numerous studies have shown their health benefits not only for drug users but also their children and those they come in contact with, such as medical providers." ...

Cleo is tired of studying!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This war on drugs

Billions and billions of dollars have apparently had some effect. According to this article, slight reductions in the purity of cocaine and crack available in this country may be motivating a PCP renaissance. Awesome.
Not that this should surprise us: Australian heroin drought anyone? If we do not address the situations that encourage drug use, people in pain will continue to self-medicate.

'Scary Drug' Makes Comeback
As PCP Use Rebounds Among Suspects, D.C. Authorities Worry About Violent Incidents

By Keith L. Alexander
Tuesday, March 17, 2009; A01

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Cleo helps with homework

& Cleo vs the laundry!


Op-Ed Columnist
Pathogens In Our Pork
By Nicholas D. Kristof
Published: March 14, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Depressing yet interesting and useful. sigh.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Prison Statistics

Number of persons under jurisdiction of state correctional authorities by most serious offense, 1980-2005

Drug Offenses: US population according to the US Census

1980 19,000  226,542,199

1985 38,900

1990   148,600 248,709,873

1995 212,800

1999 251,200

2000 251,100 281,421,906

2001 246,100

2002 265,100

2003 250,900

2004 249,400

2005 253,300

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Elsewhere Public Works Agency - The anti-Jejune

What do the dorkiest people you know do for their anniversary? The Elsewhere Public Works Agency adventure!
This adventure is far more involved than the Jejune Institute. There is a cd, a map, a radio station... we did not even finish.

you can read about the adventure here
you can look at the elsewhere public works terminal here

Albion & 16th Street

Best anniversary card!

Sweet DJ woke up early to make me this!

HIV news: DC disaster & Russia's mistakes
HIV/AIDS Rate in D.C. Hits 3%
Considered a 'Severe' Epidemic, Every Mode of Transmission Is Increasing, City Study Finds
By Jose Antonio Vargas and Darryl Fears
Sunday, March 15, 2009

"At least 3 percent of District residents have HIV or AIDS, a total that far surpasses the 1 percent threshold that constitutes a 'generalized and severe' epidemic, according to a report scheduled to be released by health officials tomorrow.
That translates into 2,984 residents per every 100,000 over the age of 12 -- or 15,120 -- according to the 2008 epidemiology report by the District's HIV/AIDS office.
'Our rates are higher than West Africa,' said Shannon L. Hader, director of the District's HIV/AIDS Administration, who once led the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's work in Zimbabwe. 'They're on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya.'" 
"More than 4 percent of blacks in the city are known to have HIV, along with almost 2 percent of Latinos and 1.4 percent of whites. More than three-quarters -- 76 percent -- of the HIV infected are black, 70 percent are men and 70 percent are age 40 and older.
Heterosexual sex was the principal mode of transmission for blacks with the disease, 33 percent. Men having sex with men was the chief mode of transmission for white residents, 78 percent; and Latinos, 49 percent. Black women represent more than a quarter of HIV cases in the District, and most, about 58 percent, were infected through heterosexual sex. About a quarter of black women were infected through drug use." .....
From SAIS Next Europe: PostGlobal on
Russia's Misguided Effort to Stop HIV
By Maria S. Stoyadinova

"The HIV epidemic in Russian continues, despite the nation's efforts to expand treatment. Unfortunately, those efforts aren't focusing on the primary source of the problem -- injecting drug users."
"According to a report, sponsored by the Open Society Institute, between 2006 and 2007 Russia actually decreased the number of government-funded needle exchange programs from 15 to 3, despite the fact that the majority of drug users in Russia (of which there are between 3 and 6 million) fall within the IDU category. At the same time, substitution therapy is currently forbidden in Russia and is facing very strong political and scientific opposition, even though the method is deemed highly successful in the treatment of heroine addiction by the international medical community."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coolest spot in San Francisco - go!

Cohen Alley Project Aka Tenderloin National Forest
a luggage store production
You can see more pictures here.
Its current form is quite different from that in the pictures. 
Really, go visit. This place is incredible.                         google map link here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

more roosting chickens and good news for the rest of us

roosting chickens:
Palin’s Daughter Bristol Splits From Fiancé    AP via nytimes
good news for the rest of us:
FDA approves cheaper female condoms Reuters & Chicago Tribune
The FHC company site contains much useful information. Not surprisingly, the website does not exactly emphasize that the female condom can also be used for MSM anal sex.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the hope of the republican party?

Europeans Debate Castration of Sex Offenders 
... "Last year, the governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, signed legislation requiring courts to order chemical castration for offenders convicted of certain sex crimes a second time." ....

Monday, March 9, 2009

OG needle exchange posters!

San Francisco AIDS Foundation archive pages
check it out!


that buying the paper book would make the ebook free.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Latitude & Longitude

2 cool resources I just found:
1) getting latitude and longitude in google maps: (from
When the location you want is in the center of the map, copy and paste this code into the location bar of your browser and press enter:

2) directly converting addresses to latitude and longitude with this website
This site provides results from Google, the USC GIS lab, and a few other sources.

breastfeeding on methadone: good news

This study suggests that women on methadone maintenance should be encouraged to breastfeed. In addition to the general benefits of breastfeeding, for infants born to women on methadone, breastfeeding obviates additional opiate withdrawal treatment.

Dryden C, Young D, Hepburn M, Mactier H. Maternal methadone use in pregnancy: factors associated with the development of neonatal abstinence syndrome and implications for healthcare resources. BJOG 2009; DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2008.02073.x.

you can read a news article about it here.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I love lols!

"I left my melon in the condom bucket"

That's right - an appreciative exchanger brought us  melon. Turns out, not so easy to keep track of a melon during street outreach. I love you, girls!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Prop 8 oral arguments - Dennis Herrera interview

you can listen here
Out in the Bay - Proposition 8 oral arguments
"California Supreme Court Oral Arguments on Proposition 8: San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera, fresh from the courtroom, discusses the day's oral arguments before the California Supreme Court on the validity of Proposition 8, the November 2008 ballot initiative banning same-sex marriage in California."

rent a machine gun

I could not make this up
The Gun Store - Las Vegas

so, they might as well have hired a palm reader?

Food Problems Elude Private Inspectors


Published: March 5, 2009

......Mr. Hatfield, 66, an expert in fresh produce, was not aware that peanuts were readily susceptible to salmonella — which he was not required to test for anyway. And while Mr. Hatfield was inspecting the plant to reassure Kellogg and other food companies of its suitability as a supplier, the Peanut Corporation was paying for his efforts.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


26008 Think I found a lump in my breast. Unemployed & uninsured. Won't go to Dr, since I can't afford treatment anyway."

10:30 PM Mar 2nd from SecretTweet

25954 my family thinks i get my great paychecks from my new corp. job. but really, 3/4 of the money if from the porn site i started :-D

10:00 PM Mar 2nd from SecretTweet

26136 Got a skirt from Ebay today delivered to my work. Couldn't resist wearing it... Pity i can't go outside in it due to the fact I am a male

about 16 hours ago from SecretTweet

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Texas considers legalizing disease prevention.

A bill that would legalize needle exchange in Texas passed the State Senate HHS committee. Again. 
Read about Bill SB 188 here & the text here
Read the Houston Chronicle article here
& the Dallas Morning News blog entry here

Do not get me started.

Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary
March 3, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Free the jewce

My boo is crazoo.

Research confirms the readily apparent. Important anyway.

Cost of locking up Americans too high - Pew study

Mon Mar 2, 2009 7:44pm GMT

read the Reuters article here

the Pew report here

Pew Center on the States, One in 31: The Long Reach of American Corrections

New York is the new San Francisco?

Backed by Green Party, Comic Pastor Runs for Mayor
Published: March 1, 2009

super addicting, time-suck: secrettweet

like twitter sized doses of postsecret 
  just try to stop reading!!

read nytimes article about it here
Anonymous Confessions Go Online With SecretTweet

dj is the best uncle ever!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is madness.

This iPhone App Will Result In At Least One Accidental Shooting
By Jack Loftus, 5:00 PM on Sun Mar 1 2009
"The RNSK "Bang! Bang!" iPhone app recreates the sound of several firearms using authentic Hollywood special effects, and will probably get you shot up for real. You even hold it like a real gun.

....It's unofficially available now at the App Store ("official launch" is Monday), although we doubt it will be making an appearance in one of Apple's trendy iPhone app ads anytime soon. An "O.G. version" complete with filed off serial number, I shit you not, is due out soon..."

google news

I mostly love it. This visual, I did not need. 
This illustration accompanied an article in