Thursday, April 30, 2009

the rare day

great news, a police chief that makes a lot of sense, and, oh wait, not at all rare, Dianne Feinstein's ability to continually garner my disgust.
you can watch the hearing webcast here
In her statements about retroactivity, DiFi barely hides her racism. Additionally, she clearly cares more about what a policy change might look like than what justice actually means.

Make drug sentences more fair
BY John F. Timoney
Justice Department Backs Plan to Eliminate Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
By Carrie Johnson
....Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she was convinced that the sentencing ratio for crack cocaine possession needed to be adjusted but was not certain that the new penalties should be the same as for powdered cocaine.

ignorant and, what language is she even speaking?

Justice Dept. Joins Calls for Drug Sentencing Reform
By Ashley Southall
....Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, had asked for specific recommendations from the administration as to how to address past inequities and to work with varying laws in different states. Mr. Breuer, in his first week on the job, was not yet able to provide detailed guidelines.
“For whatever it’s worth, it’s my position that any change has to have retroactive consideration because we have to know what we’re doing when we do it and what the practical application of what we are doing is, not just the theoretical application,” Mrs. Feinstein said.

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