Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wales OD prevention program = headline tease

I responded to this headline with curiosity and enthusiasm. Upon reading the article, not so much. I was imagining texting codes that triggered situation-specific advice or the steps to follow for rescue breathing .... something of substance, anyway. Certainly not already ubiquitous, unproductive catch phrases:
Addicts get text overdose advice
Drug users in Swansea are being asked to sign up to be sent mobile texts on what to do if they overdose and how to reduce their addiction risks.
Messages such as "Overdose: Don't panic. Put them in the recovery position, dial 999" will be sent out.....

OVERDOSE: Don't panic. Put them in the recovery position, dial 999, ask for an ambulance and stay with them until the ambulance arrives
OVERDOSE:If someone is going to inject it is safer NOT to use on their own. Don't mix drugs
DUMPING WORKS ( gizmos, spokes, spoons or fliters in public spaces is NOT OK. Keep everybody safe and dispose of them properly
NEVER SHARE cookers, spikes, spoons or filters. Identify your own works to avoid any mix ups.

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